The 7 Things Every Real Estate Photographers should be doing to keep you safe


QAs a hapa haole from Hawaii and a Texas transplant I love how both of my home states have strong identities that deeply connect them to the land and build respect for each other. Malama, in the Hawaiian language means “to care for” or “protect”. When we wear masks, I malama you and you malama me. I wear my mask to protect you, you wear your mask to protect me.

It’s the nature of a Real Estate photographer’s business to enter family homes every day. We’re still asking our clients and home owners to respect the next family home we are visiting. Our goal is to provide you the best possible photography with the minimal amount of impact to everyone.

Our new procedures maintain a safe experience for everyone.

These procedures protect the health and safety of the homeowner, the photographer and the realtor. They even protect the NEXT family home we are visiting. Last year we took 11 Covid Tests – thankfully all negative. We take every recommended precaution; these are the 9 things we do to keep you safe.

We disinfect our equipment with a hospital grade, EPA Registered disinfectant from List N (EPA Number 34810-25 EPA 34810-25 M0-1) with a low toxicity rating.

We monitor our health.

We disinfect our hands every time we exit our car.

We practice social distancing, please keep your distance from us, we’re not being cranky.

We recommend that the home owners wait 30 minutes after our departure before reentering the home.

We do not remove our shoes, but are happy to wear booties or slippers to protect your floors.

We limit what we touch and try very, very hard not to move things.

These are the three things you can do to keep your photographer safe:

Please reschedule if there is anyone sick in the household, Flu, COVID-19, allergies, recent hospitalization, any type of illness. No rescheduling fee due to health concerns, even if we are at the front door.

Treat your Real Estate photography shoot like your most important showing. Be ready and be gone. Have the home in exactly the condition you want it shown. NAR recommends that homeowners not be present.