This is our BLOG

Stay updated with the latest happenings at MLS Images.

Master of light

Photographers Are Also Masters of Opinion

We will be offering technology skill building information in short video snippets and written procedures, demonstrations of our work, and the occasional bit of humor (OK, mostly sarcasm). We've attempted to omit as much music, time nibbling graphics, introductory language, and other unnecessary crap as possible. Frankly, I'm only writing this introduction to my blog for SEO purposes; sometimes a robot needs a bit of help figuring things out.

Master of light

We'll focus on light-hearted information transfer

We call our videos just in time learning. The information you need to build the foundation of your knowledge base, presented in tiny single topic blogs. These short and to the point videos provide just what you need to know to complete one aspect of a more extensive task. We try and keep videos to under 5 minutes, and YouTube hosted video are transcripted.

Master of light

Trying to figure something out?
Call us

I encourage any humans reading this to take a look at our collection of videos and written blogs that may help you complete a task. Our YouTube channel contains an extensive collection of short and to the point technology how-tos. If you dont see what you need here, contact us, most times that's the fastest way.


Exposure blending is obsolete for real estate photography!

I like to think photographers are part scientist who love a good experiment. Put new technology in our hands and we begin an investigation. We use technology to create new techniques to capture our visual description of the world.


Why is a picture worth a thousand words?

Time. A glance is about two seconds. Uninterested users bounce off a web site in about 10 seconds. The average person can read one thousand words in a about 198 seconds. The more time you spend on something is an indication of how much you have been thinking about it. It’s an indication of the level of effort made to come to a decision. A Real Estate Photo's goal is to make it a quick and easy click for more information.

2 seconds, 10 seconds, 198 seconds.


How Important is Light?

Like the Inuit Eskimos who have hundreds of individual names for the different the types of snow, photographers have hundreds names for the different types of light: hard, soft, diffused, specular, direct, reflected, etc... It’s complex, its colorful, it’s beautiful, it travels, it’s all around us.


The 7 Things Every Real Estate Photographers should be doing to keep you safe from COVID-19

These procedures protect the health and safety of the homeowner, the photographer and the realtor. They even protect the NEXT family home we are visiting. Last year we took 11 Covid Tests – thankfully all negative. We take every recommended precaution; these are the 9 things we do to keep you safe.


Finding the right real estate photographer is difficult if you don't know what to look for.

Consider these key factors when researching the real estate photographer you need. Do a little self-guided learning to discover the types of photography; it makes a huge difference in your results. Have a conversation directly with the photographer about their business, how they shoot, what they offer and what you expect. You’ll be a lot happier with your results.


The Painful Truths Your Photographer Won’t Tell You.

Your real estate photographer is working for you to benefit of the THOUSANDS of people who will be looking at your home on the web. It’s their job to get as many people searching on-line to take a second look at your home.


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